I am frustrated... My download for 8vs1 is so slow that it always download halfway and give up. Thus, an incomplete file. So frustrating. I dont know what is wrong. The other files seems to do well.
I am going to keep trying to get it all.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Posted by
8:20 PM
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Manage your debts
When we think of debt…inability to pay off the debt… we will think that bankruptcy is the last resort. Suffer thru the bankruptcy and then come out of it as a new man again. But who would want to go on living with such financial restriction? There are actually so many other ways to get out of debts.
I first heard of debt consolidation from a television show. The television show is about people who gotten themselves so much in debt that they are in a serious financial problem. The counselor helped them to realize the causes of their situation and how to stop themselves from getting more into debt. At the same time, the counselor also helped them to find some other way to make extra cash to pay off their debts.
I think this is a very interesting issue because not everyone has the knowledge about this. Then, I read about Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA). It is a better alternative to bankruptcy as one can actually cut their debt by half and freeze the interest. What is more is that it can actually stop the creditors from going after you. There is so much stress from having the creditors calling and asking for payments every now and then. I will break down if I am faced with such pressure.
Overall, there are so many ways to handle debts. We should always try to look for different options.
Posted by
8:05 PM
Labels: Sideys
Good or Bad Luck
It is believed that there is a different luck brought in by dogs and cats when they entered your house compound.
If a dog enter the house compound, it is believed that it bring good luck.
If a cat enter the house compound, it is believed that it bring bad luck.
This only applies to dogs and cats that do not belong to you.
My house recently is visited by my neighbour's dogs. They love to hang out at my house so much that they have in fact crashed thru my wire mesh which I have reinforced for the third time so far. Sigh...
I sure hope that good luck will come rolling my way now...
Posted by
7:59 PM
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I have always wondered what if someone get injured in my workplace. What sort of security do we have for this? In Malaysia, employer and employee are required to contribute a small amount each month for SOCSO, a government organization that will pay compensation to the employee in the case of a workplace injury. Truthfully, I have never heard or seen anyone claim for it.
Perhaps for my line of job, there isn’t any serious injury that can happen. But what about those that work in dangerous places. The lady in the payment counter for basement parking at this shopping centre, which is still under renovation, she has to suffer the dust from the construction for the whole day. Think of the dust that she is inhaling every day. I don’t think a person with asthma history can sit in her place and work. She has to wear a mouth mask in order to not inhale the dust. Guess she is a good candidate to claim for compensation should she develop asthma or other personal injury.
But does she know her right? That is why it is always good to have people who are specializing in claiming compensation to help. These specialists can actually create awareness to the public that they can claim for some compensation for the pain that they suffer.
Posted by
7:48 PM
Labels: Sideys
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Fighting Spirit
I feel as if I have lost my fighting spirit. The spirit to work hard for money. At 5pm, after work, when I am alone in the car, I feel so tired and wash-out. Every morning, when I am getting ready to work, I feel tired and sleepy.
I also sort of lose interest in the things that used to excite me so much...
p/s: I am still into Tohoshinki btw.
Lighten up, myself!
Posted by
8:50 PM
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There is this one time long ago that Denny asked me to get for him a cassette for networking sale motivation. I told him that I saw it on sale somewhere and I remembered him when I saw it. He wanted it when I told him about it. It costs him quite a bit of money but he said it is worth it as the speaker is someone with high caliber in this industry. I guess I can say that he was trying to get trained to do sales before he steps into the working world and start practicing what he has learned. Perhaps he should also go for some Sales Courses .
Even now, I think we still need to go through training to upgrade ourselves in order to compete with others. Time is possibly the only thing that is in the way as there is always not enough time to do things… Guess it is entirely up to us to grab the opportunity when it is there.
Posted by
8:47 PM
Labels: Sideys
Nodame Cantabile Special
Recommended to watch!
But first of all, got to make sure that you watch the whole series first. Otherwise, you will not understand all the flashbacks that the characters have.
I am so glad that Chiaki Senpai finally admits that he truly does love Nodame despite of her eccentric personality.
Posted by
8:46 PM
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Many people do not realise that the medical world is just not just about treating illnesses or accidents. Yes, it was labeled as the "gorry" job. What a wrong perception altogether! Nowadays, medical profession is also seen as the "beauty surgeon". Plastic surgeons are coming up like mushrooms after a rainfall. Breast Augmentation is no longer something new to many. It is now the "in thing", especially in the world of the rich and glamour. One can easily get her boobs fixed. After all, a girl has all the freedom she has to pursue her beauty. Beauty may be very subjective but it also an effort. There is a saying that goes, there is no ugly girl, but only lazy girls. Cosmetic surgery is no longer an alien - it is just like another friend which comes by at one time in your life. Yes, no doubt there are many risks when the surgery is concerned, but is there not any risk in other medical procedure as well? The risks would always be there, but it is up to the plastic surgeon and his or her client to make the wisest decision for the client. No matter how one tries to deny it, cosmetic surgery is going to take over the beauty scene sooner than you expect.
Posted by
8:36 PM
Labels: Sideys
Nowadays, I am trying to finish watching my CSI series... But each time I am eating while watching the show, I feel kind of disgusting. Why?
Cause the crime scenes are so gory and the scene where they cut open the bodies... Shudder~
Posted by
8:32 PM
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Sweet Dreams
Sleep is such an important element in our lives. Why do I say that? ‘Cause having not enough sleep will mean less energy and thus leading poor health. I have a personal experience with it. And I am suffering from it now. Took a leave from job today to rest and trying to gain back the sleep time.
One of the important things that affect the sleep is the bed. I believe in having a comfortable bed to sleep on. Personally, I prefer a queen or king size bed. Simply because I love the size. Single bed is just too small and restricted. I like to roll around and I tend to move when I am sleeping.
My current bed is a double-decker type of bed as I used to share the room with my sibling. But I am planning to change it soon in order to make the room more suitable to my personality. I am aiming to get a nice antique style bed. My online searching leads me to oak beds. The reliable oak beds seems so appealing to me. It has a sense of security and seems to be able to last for a long time. I find myself imagining smelling the smell of the wood. Hmm… Nice…
Posted by
8:24 PM
Labels: Sideys
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Travel plan
I have given this thought and I have decided to narrow down my selection for oversea travel plan to three places....
Places that are oversea...and i will do some details on it soon... Promise!
Posted by
4:54 PM
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Get in control
One thing that is very worrying to me these days is that how to avoid myself from getting into debts. How to make sure that I will not be tempted to place myself into a difficult financial position? People, who do not know, would think that with my salary, I should have enough to spend and save if I use the money wisely. But… this is not the reality. The fact is that I have a few commitments that use up my salary.
I am guessing that people will advise me to spend minimal on every single thing. That means to spend a small amount for mobile phone charges, cable television charges, food, and fuel… That’s the necessities. Then, it also means not to spend a single cent on clothing and entertainment…and beauty. Impossible to achieve…what is the point of living if there is no enjoyment in life?
I think the more logical approach is to make yourself aware of what you are spending on. To make sure you know what that thing that drains your cash is and take control of your spending. Spend only in cash and never in credit card. Don’t spend money in advance because that money is not yours yet. In the case of emergency, make sure that you have someone reliable and generous to lend you money… best if this person is your parent.
Control yourself and spend within the limit.
Posted by
4:39 PM
Labels: Sideys
Sleeping on sofa
Last night, I fell asleep on the sofa again. For the past two days, I have been feeling so sleepy. I think I have enough sleep but I still feel like I have not slept enough. That lead to me sleeping on the sofa while waiting for copy-file activity to be over....
Woke up at 230am to go to bed to continue sleeping.
Work has been... slow. I want to wait till after the Chinese New Year celebration is over... Then, I will start to bother my clients to bring in their things.
My own stuff... I feel so suffocated by it. Keep feeling as if there is not enough time. I hope to complete everything early and be done with.
Wish me luck.
Posted by
4:35 PM
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Cottage business
In the future, I would like to move to a place like my aunt in New Zealand. I love the basement garage that the house has. It is really spacey and can store a lot of things despite of the small area.
Since my place at this moment is impossible to have a basement, I guess I can also settle for Concrete Garages. I found this site that provides garages, sheds and workshops. It looks very convenient and has a lot of options to choose from.
When I saw this word ‘sheds’, it reminded me of the shed at my colleague’s house… I am quite envious of the shed that she has. It is quite convenient to keep all the gardening equipment that is too big or dirty to store in the main house. Somehow, it also gives me the feeling of being organized. There is separation of space between things done outside of the house and inside of the house.
This shed looks so cute…that I think it is possible to convert it into a playhouse for children. And guess what it is easy to clean as well. Oh wait! The site mentioned something about cottage industry… I am guessing that if I have a big plot of land and build this little shed aka cottage, I can rent it out to people and… money will flow in… Hoho…. That will be so nice~
Posted by
4:28 PM
Labels: Sideys
A friend of mine is moving away... so went to eat at Fratini's on Tuesday... Burnt a hole in my pocket. Gasp!
But the food was alright... not particularly great... Cause I think the avocado soup is not especially nice... should have tried the pumpkin cream soup instead...
I think they are so lack of business that they are giving out loyalty card to encourage you to visit them for another eleven times to redeem a free gift...
Posted by
4:16 PM
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Less on children?
I remember watching a show on tv about helping couple to gain back control of their finances in order to save their relationship. These couples have over-spent and have a lot of loans to pay off. One of the couples featured in the show has a daughter. Both parents have the weakness of buying toys for their daughter. They are willing to splurge a lot on buying toys regardless of the price.
What reminded of this particular couple is because of this article. It said that parents are planning to spend less on their children. I think it is in every parent’s heart and mind that they will automatically splurge to make sure that their children are happy and … have everything that the parents never had before when the parents were young. In the case of the particular couple, the counselor helped them to curb their weakness to buy toys and increase their awareness to the necessities.
Nowadays, we are spending more and more as the price of everything increases… But this doesn’t mean that we should save and scrimp on things that are related to the children’s education. Education is the pathway to a better future for the children. Thus, I think it is reasonable to obtain a loan if there is such a need. Here’s a place you can read more about secured loans.
Posted by
4:00 PM
Labels: Sideys
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
It is time for election again...
This afternoon... during lunch time... a colleague of mine received a call from certain association and he didnt pick up the phone. Another colleague told him that the call is to ask him whether he wants to volunteer for the supervising of election. He didnt want to do it anymore so he didnt pick up the phone... Avoidance...
Just moments ago... I received two messages on my phone. Chinese messages.. The first one I can sort of understand but the second one... I am too tired to read... But basically, it is to tell me not to vote for BN... Vote the opposition...
Reaction to that... Huh?! What?! Where in the world do they get my number? And I think I read something about cutting penis or something if vote for BN. What?! That is just so fucking rude. Or have I misinterpret the chinese characters? I will ask my Chinese colleague tomorrow.
I would like to quote from a colleague of mine - Those who told you not to vote for BN says that we need to scare BN by making the amount of votes very close to each other so that BN will work harder for us. But then, do you really want the Opposition to win? So, if you vote for Opposition and imagine everyone else also has the same idea of scaring BN, then the Opposition win lo. What is the point in this scaring BN? So, what should you do instead? Stick to voting for BN la. Why? 'Cause you want to even out the number of people (who think they want to scare BN so they vote Opposition) and make sure BN win and really has the chance to prove that they will work hard for you.
So... you really want Opposition to win o? I know that I dont. I dunno why but I suddenly think of Kelantan...
Posted by
11:08 PM
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Monday, February 18, 2008
I have an emergency, I want to make sushi
Yesterday decided to take leave on Monday, which is tomorrow or is it today...
Anyways... have made a decision to make sushi with cousins so... I just want to get it done... Afterall, I have the leave to spare...
Then... I also should be focusing my own stuff... need to do a few things... not enough time.. got to hurry...
Just a short update in this blog....
Posted by
2:32 PM
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Friday, February 15, 2008
Dont check the number properly
The same guy called again asking about wanting to rent the house for RM1,000.
He called before twice and I told him twice that he has the wrong number and I dont have any house to rent.
And he called again. I am not going to answer the phone. What is wrong with him? Dont understand. He is using a handphone so he should be able to see what number is he dialing and has dialed before. Why does he call again and again? So annoying!
Why he didnt check the number properly?
Some people are like that. They keep calling and then have to keep telling them that it is the wrong number... and they still call. Annoying!
Posted by
6:56 PM
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Black Jack
Played Black Jack or should I say 21 at L's house last night.
Not much experience in gambling so dont really know much... Unexpectedly, I got a Black Jack during one of the early rounds. I have five-times of the normal payout. Not bad...
As the night progressed, others (who didnt know I had a Black Jack winning just now) kept repeating how they hope to get Black Jack and has never gotten one before.
Guess I am lucky to ever has a Black Jack card before... Now, I should aim for the 5 succession card combinations...
Posted by
6:15 PM
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Monday, February 11, 2008
I just spent some USD
I thought I cant use the USD... I thought I need to verify the account before I can touch the money.... But... Guess what? I dont have to. I spent some of it already... On what? Hehe... Five piece of singles from this certain group... Due to arrive some time in March because I wanted to save on the shipping cost.
I still cant believe that I actually spent it on such things... I cant believe it
Posted by
7:56 PM
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Thursday, February 7, 2008
Gong Xi Fa Cai aka Happy Chinese New Year
Just came back from a morning of house-visiting....
Hey... the neighbour is having open house and they ordered Piasau Boat Club's catering....
My home gate & fence was originally dull green and my dad decided to repaint it... he bought a yellowish green which looks like algae on the gate... After my mum's protest, the colour is changed to dark red... Phew... at least it is better than the algae green. :p
Tonight... going to be a gambling session... No one has come over to visit yet... Tonight is going to be one long and busy night...
Posted by
2:44 PM
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Saturday, February 2, 2008
I wonder
I wonder if I can actually stay awake till the end of the football match... Dont think so... I am so sleepy now...
My attempt to learn Korean online is currently on the stall again... Chinese New Year is around the corner and I am still in the progress of cleaning the place up... actually, it is more like I have been sick a few times...and so I spent most of the time resting (sleeping)
which by the way, I am so sleepy now...
Posted by
11:32 PM
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The most troublesome

The site not only offers a helpful list of Seville hotels but also hotels in other provinces such as Granada hotels, Malaga hotels, and many others. So, if I want to travel to other places, I can also look for accommodation thru this site.
With the accommodation problem no longer bothering, I can look forward to planning the finer details of my holidays in Spain
Posted by
11:11 PM
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