Listened to a conversation between my friend and her friend during breakfast this morning. It made me realise something about having children.
I guess first-timer mum usually worried about the pain of giving birth to the baby. I dont deny that the pain involved during the process of giving birth and then the pain during the recovery time. But this painful experience will be nothing to be afraid of once it is over... unless there is some other complication during the second and coming birth-giving.
Anyways, what is more important is the process of raising the child. Ohmigosh...the trauma at this stage is greater than during child-birth and it will never end. Just thinking about this is so scary.
But I still want to get married and have babies. haha...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Posted by
12:19 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Friday, October 17, 2008
Different Perspective
I was looking through the pictures I took in Seoul this afternoon. It reminded me of something. Something that I havent been able to express.
I hate the pictures that I asked people to take of me.
Usually, I will think of how I look and hate it but this is different.
When I take a picture, I will consider the view as well. Example, at Nami Island, where you can take picture of the pine trees along the path... the scenes of the famous Korean drama, Winter Sonata... I will capture the scenery of the trees with the people in it so that when u look at it, you will definitely see and know where that place is.
But guess what? My picture of me, so close up and with a bit of tree trunks at the side. How in the world am I supposed to say that that is where the drama is filmed. It is so shitty.
Then there is also this tour guide who kept urging other people to walk quickly and then she herself asked people to take picture of her and then kept telling people that you will have chance to take pictures later. But then.... where got?! She asked people to take picture of her and then urge people to walk quickly to the next place. Where is that chance to take pictures? So fucked up.
The so-called 'please roam around freely yourself' is not true at all. Why urge me to follow around when you say 'please roam around freely yourself' It is just so... fucked up.
Posted by
10:45 PM
Labels: confession
I guess I am still quite socially shy. I just simply do not know how to talk to people I am not close to.
Actually, even if I am close to someone, I think there will be some day that I am off, disconnected from them.
Recently, I am faced with some financial difficulties. I have anticipated that I will be spending quite an amount of cash on a few things in this month. I should just enough to cover for the expenses but one huge expense came up and disrupt my not-very-perfect spending plan.
I tried to hint my Dad that I will be totally broke but I guess he is broke as well because he didnt bother to give me any cash. Kind of disappointed because of this. I guess I prefer that he at least showed that he gets my hint.
Anyways, I am extremely grateful that my bad debt has gone alive and they have decided to pay me afterall. So... I am not totally broke. I am still surviving financially.
Posted by
2:51 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Exam jitters
Still have eight more modules to go. All together there are nine modules and I have just finished one modules. I have exactly two weeks left. Shit!
I am worried that:
- I will not be able to finish reading everything in two weeks
- I will not be able to understand what I am reading
- I will not be able to pass this paper
I am also worried that I will not able to complete my CPA Mentor Program. I am not sure about my future. Not sure what I should do. I feel as if I am stuck. I cant make up my mind of what to do.
This is so shitty.
Posted by
11:42 PM
Labels: journey
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Irresponsible People
I just witness a case of irresponsibility.
See... My house garbage bin is placed outside of the house, at the driveway...Between the house and the road, there is this big drain.
My neighbour... neighbour's relative, to be exact... reversed the car and knocked over my house garbage bin and caused the bin cover to fall into the drain. At such situation, normally I would try to retrieve the cover and put it back.
But guess what? The guy just waved it off and left! Ohmigosh. What the hell?
I am now going to have to retrieve the cover from the drain before it gets washed away. Fucking irresponsible people!
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Hmm.. This is kind of personal. As in PERSONAL.
hehe... Someone... someone I know. Someone I am not close to though. She made me feel that I should be worrying about my... err... my... err... yea, cant say / write it out.
Erm... Having the right attire is so important, really. The right one will make the whole person looks different.
This will be a not-make-sense post.
Just heard that the company annual dinner date has been decided. It felt so.. sudden. I hope it will be somewhere nice and we can have loads of fun. I am feeling a lost of connection with some people already.
Which reminds of a person. I find myself unable to understand why our friendship has gone to such a state. I have no idea how to salvage it either.
Posted by
11:19 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Hey Mickey!
Just heard from the radio this song ... that I have forgotten the name but I remember the theme for the video is cheerleading. That is just so retro.
Sort of reminded me of the time in St Columba when the principal decided to hold an audition to recruit some junior cheerleaders. I remember looking at the senior cheerleaders and thinking that they look really cool.
It was something like from the tv drama where the freshmen was so envious of the cheerleaders. I guess I had a little taste of such situation in my high school years. Seems hilarious now though.
Anyways, I didnt made it into the cut. I guess I have really bad hand and legs coordination. Actually, I confirmed this when I went to play arcade many years later. My coordination sucks.
Err.. Though I didnt made it into the cheerleading, the principal kept all the students during the practice and got us (the ones who didnt make it) to make pom-poms. We dont have the financial budget so we had to improvise using ... tali rafia? I didnt know we can actually do that. But it is quite...heavy(?). Not the best pom-poms but they (the cheerleaders) will have to make do with it.
Ah! Not only the pom-poms, we also dont have proper uniforms, just a tailor-made short skirt.
Then... the other day at this concert, there was this cheerleading group. I guess they have the full package, uniforms and pom-poms... They are lucky. :p
Posted by
10:47 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
Thursday, October 2, 2008
it is funny. the incident. I actually encountered it before but I think I have never really said it outloud. Why have i never say it outloud? I guess it is because I was trying to stay out of the way and not to be in the way of other ppl's business.
Somehow, I just couldnt stand it anymore. I was too annoyed.
Ah! The poor man rich man syndrome. So frustrating. so contradicting. I wonder if they even know about it.
I shouldnt be lecturing about this anyways. Zipped my mouth.
Posted by
11:20 PM
Labels: shoutouts
A few months ago, I was helping out this company to do their accounts. I find their items on sale quite interesting. In fact, I was so interested that I actually wanted to introduce some friends to go there and purchase the items.
The items I was talking about is actually bathrooms and kitchens’ essentials. Examples… stainless steel sinks, porcelain bathroom sinks, kitchen water tap, bathroom water tap, shower heads etc.
These items really fascinate me because they are so pretty. Some of them are quite contemporary too. I almost consider to purchase one of the kitchen water taps. But my friend stopped me. Apparently, the price range of this company is at a higher range than other company. Which means I can actually get lower price at other places than at this particular company. Hmmm… Too bad for them.
Talking about water tap, my main concern is actually its life span. I find that water tap will get ruined after a certain usage time. My current one is somewhat ugly because of the ruined cap and the filter is torn so the water doesn’t flow smoothly out of the tap. I am seriously thinking of replacing this tap but just couldn’t find the time to do it. Anyone want to volunteer to do it for me?
Posted by
11:08 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
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