A new year. A new resolution?
Dont know. This time, it is a bit blur-ish.
Happy New Year....
Monday, December 31, 2007
Year 2008
Posted by
10:38 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Get the best
Saw an advertisement on television the other day. It was about a certain product that I often use but of different brand. It made me think about how there are so many variation to the things that we use every single day. The sellers come out with all sorts of ideas to try to get the consumers to buy their products. But…here is the big question. Which is the best? It is not economical or reasonable for anyone to actually buy every single brand available for this one product and try it. What’s more? Different people have different reaction to different product. What may be good for this person may not be for another person. So, how are we going to choose the best possible from the majority? By reading reviews.
Take for example, payday loan. I believe that almost everyone will face with cash flow problem and you need that cash advance to help you to get through the tough time. But with so many payday loans available, which one will suit you the best? It is not feasible to try out each one of the available money lender…so… check out the rankings and reviews on trustsource.org. From there, you will be able to get the best out of the best and it is by the many people who have tried it.
Posted by
10:24 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
Stress-free from money
In need of cash? Need to get some cash advance?
I discover that a few of my colleagues often faces the problem of not enough cash whenever there is an unexpected event. Thus, I have recommended them the online payday loans.
Online payday loans are not as complicated as it may seem. The basic requirements such as being employed for at least three consecutive months, having a valid checking account for at least 3 months and others are actually pretty easy to fulfill. What is more attractive about this payday loan is that the customers do not have to worry about having no credit or low credit. The whole deal is done anonymously and the customers do not even have to leave the house to do it.
Another benefit of payday loan is that the processing time for the money to be deposited. The money is deposited overnight (with the exception of weekend). In the case of emergency, time is of the essence.
Then, if you think you will not be able to pay off the loan in the coming payday, the lender can extend the loan to the next payday (with extra fee, of course).
Imagine how less stressful it is when you know that you have the ease of getting a loan without the hassle of queuing up for hours at the bank, facing the embarrassment of having to borrow money in front of people…
Posted by
10:09 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Pissed off
I hate it when things arent going as I have planned. Especially if it has been planned for some time... decided for some time that it will be implemented in a certain way. If it is not like that, I am not happy.
Actually part of the reason why I am very pissed off just now was possibly also caused by my impending 'time of the month'
Posted by
9:32 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Friday, December 28, 2007
A New Career Choice
Read an article about how medical assistants aren’t just sidekicks, I don’t know why but it reminded me of an episode of Grey’s Anatomy when the nurses went on a strike… The hospital can’t function properly without them. The medical assistants are such an important component of the hospital.
For those people who are still thinking of what to do in the future or considering a new career path, why not consider the medical assistant careers? It is in growing demand and you wouldn’t be worried about not being able to get a job. Like doctors who can specialize in different field, medical assistants also had such variety so you can choose what suit you the best.Of course, to become a medical assistant, you need to get into a medical assistant program. There are actually a lot of these medical assistant programs available and there are no worries about the location of the place you want to take these programs.
Then, if you are already in the medical assistant field and looking for a way to get promoted, you need to be equipped with a wider knowledge and skills. There are actually online medical assistant training programs available as well. With more training and knowledge, you will find yourself with more job opportunities.
Posted by
10:32 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
Must remember
Promised JL to help her with the scanning of some document.
Must remember to do
Must remember to do
Btw, laptop has been on for the past ..erm... five days with a quick restart on day 2. Been downloading stuff. Hmm...
Bonus from work this year is satisfying. Hmm... Superior thinks that I might be unhappy to get much less than the anticipated portion of the separately-paid bonus but honestly, I think it is better that it is separately paid so many portion. I wouldnt go and spend it all at one go. It is actually good for me. Haha...
Posted by
10:10 PM
Labels: RatRaceSituation, shoutouts
Horribly Sweet Green Tea
Went to have lunch at McD today. Saw that they are selling the Prosperity Burger already so decided to eat that. This time, the meal is with green tea instead the sprite with pineapple shreds.
Personally, I am a green tea lover. But... this McD green tea is ridiculuosly sweet. I only drink about five sips and the rest I brought back to the office and dilute it with water. I think the dilution I did can probably make another two more cups of green tea. It is still pretty sweet.
Posted by
8:48 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
At this moment, I am helping Lynnwei to download this series and it is, in a way, interrupting my downloading rate at another program that I am using to download my korean video.
Erm... Not sure which one should I give priority to....
Sort of worrying whether I should start clearing more disk space for the incoming videos....
Will figure it out soon...
Posted by
9:29 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Let's Play Together
Talk about having nothing much to do, I found this place where one can play backgammon online. Although I will need to download the software, it is free and I actually can play against real people. To make the whole thing more interesting is that I can satisfy my hunger for competition because this online backgammon also offer tournament among its players.
Come on, join me for a game of backgammon online!
Posted by
9:24 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Did he actually read it?
At the party, someone told me that he read my blog.
Honestly, I am embarrassed. I didnt expect people to actually really read my blog. Oh! By my blog, I am referring to my World of My Own. And... he kept teasing me about taking photos and putting it into my blog... Sweat
Posted by
1:21 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Where is our next travel destination?
My geng and I have developed a habit of travelling together. So far, we have been travelling together to 7 places, four local and three international. This has been going on for the past two years.
One of the most important aspects in our travel plan is that we want to make sure that it is as convenient as and as low budget as possible. We have either stayed with our relatives or was sponsored the accommodation. At this moment, we have actually ran out of such favours. So, we are a bit worried about going over-budget.
Then, I stumbled upon this Hotel Reservations. It provides such an extensive search on hotels and flights even in the Asia regions. I was surprised and delighted. Even better, it also has internet offer rate which is cheaper than the normal rate for the hotel booking. It gave me a hope that we can actually plan with more details and perhaps, save us a few more dollars on the ever-so-expensive accommodation.
Hey... My plan to go to Japan and Korea to see Tohoshinki may even come true now. Haha...
Posted by
1:05 PM
Labels: Sideys
Biggest loss ever
A-n achieved the biggest loss ever in our rummy game last night. He lost RM30 plus. It may or may not sounds like a huge amount but if you know our gambling range, you will agree me with me that it is a large amount.
Bunny had a party at her house which is actually meant mainly for her Dad's friends and she invited us along. After helping out with the preparation of the BBQ, we digged into the food.
Which reminds me about something. So embarassing.
BBQ is actually a side dish in the party and so there werent much stuff prepared. Somehow, people were expecting more of BBQ stuff and so some of them went to our BBQ site to have a look. At that time, we had the second and last batch of chicken wings on the plate and planned to save it for ourselves. It was so embarrassing to tell the auntie that the reason we didnt want to bring it over to the guest main table. So embarrassing. Why do I have to be the one?!?!
Posted by
12:55 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Was watching the CSI marathon last night. CSI Miami caught my attention particularly. The set of the crime scene is at a rehabilitation center. It is very intriguing to me. I noticed that rehabilitation centre is a place of comfort and also, safety. People who go there need help to get back on the feet, to lose the addiction they are facing and to be able to lead a normal healthy life.
I went on researching more about rehabilitation centre and found Stone Hawk Rehabilitation Center in Michigan. This centre is different from my perception. It believed in detoxifying the body and help their customers to discover and to develop the lifestyle that suits them. I think it is great that they have such program to help people with drug addiction. Not to mention, the scenery at the rehabilitation centre is amazing.
If I ever need to go to a drug rehab, I wouldn’t mind going here.
Posted by
6:56 AM
Labels: Sideys
Friday, December 14, 2007
This morning
At 11.45am,
M: I am hungry
H: What did you have for breakfast?
M: Lemme see. One cup of Milo, one popia, one mua-ji cookie, one caramel sweets, four biji of fishballs, two biji of fried siu-mai... (whoa...a lot le...)
H: .... I only had one bowl of kolo mee and a cup of tea and I am hungry since 10am.
M: Oh! I forgot. I also have drank half bottle of water. Hehe...
Err...without realising it, I actually had so much stuff in one morning. :p
Posted by
9:52 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, December 13, 2007
First time amcee-ing
last night was office's annual dinner. I thought of perhaps I can relax and have fun eating and talking during the dinner. Since I already did the lucky draw things. Buying and preparing the things.
Everyone except for the boss and family sat on the sofa sets. Can see the split in groups of people.
Then the dreaded. The boss wanted the organising team to do the amcee-ing and get the night started. And the team pushed me into the water again. Pls read it in chinese ' 推我下水'
So there I go. Not standing on the stage though. Err...What can I say? Scary.
Posted by
8:54 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Sunday, December 9, 2007
With Sarcasm
It is funny when you tell certain people the places you have planned to go and they tried to tell you not to go because of one reason. You been there. I see no harm in going to the same place simply because second time of going to the same place means that you know where to head and what to do.
Then, they themselves also go to the same place twice and maybe thrice. It really make one think...
Then, when you said that you want to and plan to go to this place that you never been before... a place you never been before... they tell you that this place is not a good choice to go. It is too expensive. Nothing to see. Nothing to shop. Bad Choice.
What is the GOOD choice?
Sweat. Big Sweat. -.-|
Posted by
5:00 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Ask me again and I will quit
It is time to pay for the fee again so I asked Mum for the money.
Personally, I like to be hassle-free. Once I decided the way to do it, I dont like it if other people want me to do it in another way. Forcing me to find another alternative and keep bugging me about it.
Since last night, I wasnt feeling well. Even now, I am still feeling sick.
Why want to use AUD when I already say that it is in RM? Why want to send thru Brunei? Why?!!!
Ask me again and I will say that I dont want to study. I rather not. I am so sick of this.
Posted by
7:50 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Have to re-sit
Failed the 5th paper. Have to re-sit. Not in the mood at the moment...
Posted by
10:32 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Not very straight but it will have to do
Went to straighten my hair on Monday... cost me RM140 this time.
It isnt very straight. Possibly because of the length. It is right at the shoulder.
Will need to do a lot of treatment sessions if I want to get a beautiful healthy hair.
Didnt dye my hair this time. Want to have a black hair. Haha....
Posted by
10:55 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Time for a change
The New Year is fast approaching. I managed to convince Dad that we need to give our garage floors a new look. It has becoming more wash-out recently. Not to mention the oil stain due to the old car left behind.
We have looked online for the available options. I wanted a brightly-coloured floor but Dad isn’t interested… The final decision lies in his hands since it is his garage.
Don’t understand why I want to convince him about the floor change. :p
Posted by
1:34 AM
Labels: Sideys
All paid for
I finally paid off all of my debts today. I think.
Previously, I was owing my facial money and my air ticket money.
Btw, I am currently feeling very Yoda-like 'cause I am covering myself with a blanket. Haha....
A sense of relief for me. I no longer feel so pressured. It is still one long month to go before my nexy pay come out. I wish I can survive till then.
After this, I will need to splurge when I go to shop at KL. Erm... Need to buy more office wear and smart casual clothing. I think I have a clearer opinion of what I want. The problem is whether I can find the right one or not.
Need to lose some more weight as well. Fighting!
Posted by
1:27 AM
Labels: Blurts
In Need of Cash?
Not too long ago, Dad mentioned about getting a new car. He wanted to get a personal loan under my name in order to get a loan to buy the car. I didn’t think much but I knew straight away that I didn’t want to obtain such loan.
Firstly, I didn’t think it is necessary to get a new car when the current one is still ok. Why put ourselves in the liability when we don’t have to?
Secondly, I really dislike the idea of having to owe someone an amount of money. And considering my current financial situation, I am not in a good state to add more financial commitment.
Nevertheless, I think loan is a great tool available to us when we really need the extra cash aid to get the things we want. I guess there are basically two main type of Loans: secured and unsecured.
Secured loan is when the loan is given under a mortgage. Usually for a huge amount of cash. I often see this kind of loan in businesses.
Unsecured loan is a loan given without any security for the lender. One common example is car buyer. If Dad has his way and get a loan to buy a new car, this will be the loan he will take.
Posted by
12:58 AM
Labels: Sideys
My Baby was hospitalised
My Baby, My Inspiron, My Laptop... was hospitalised two days ago.
It actually didnt recovered completely. Seems like the Doc only cured it temporarily. Sigh...
Then, my regular GP told me that actually the disease my Baby had is very common. Happen regularly. Sigh... Should have asked the GP to cure my Baby. More importantly, no need to pay the GP somemore.
Currently... GP has reactivated the programs the Doc de-activated and removed the skin that my Baby had on. My Baby is now the original Windows XP look. I need time to get used to it le. My Baby used to look so cool in all black. Oh well...
I have also been burning the files into DVD so that my Baby has more storage space.
I cant imagine life with my Baby. Sigh... I really need to find a guy and get a life. Haha...
Posted by
12:50 AM
Labels: Blurts
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