I think I remembered what I wanted to blog about already. Hehe...
Yes, TVXQ. That korean boy band.
I suddenly was in the mood to search and download their videos that watch yesterday. For no apparent reason. So I went to Veoh and downloaded a number of videos. Btw, a few of those videos I downloaded are of the same and were performed over the span of a few days. Sweat.
Then to my surprise, when I was at Lynn's house, Lynna was searching for TVXQ's You Are My Miracle. Eeeiiii.... Such a coincidence... Heheh
My point is.... What a coincidence le... :P
Friday, October 26, 2007
Posted by
10:34 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, October 25, 2007
This is hilarious
I remembered having something I want to blog about. Then... after dinner...after a short trip to Hilltop, I forgot what I want to blog about. Hahahaa.... My forgetfulness and I. :P
Alright... I decided to leave this post like this and then fill it in after I remember what I want to blog about. Though I think it is not likely to happen
Posted by
7:38 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Where is my multi-tasking skill?!?!?
Erm.. dont think this is multi-tasking. It is like multi-idea, multi-writing skills...
I feel like I am playing this certain round in Zuma. Have to kill off balls coming from two directions.
Since my brain is pretty much in a hiatus these days, I dont really know what to write. And since my social activities is cut down to almost zero these days, nothing much I can post to World Of My Own.
- Knock myself on the head - Brain oh brain, where is your creativity le... wake up oiii...
Posted by
9:57 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Insure Your Ride
This month is a pretty bumpy month for my budget. I have to pay for my car insurance and I dont have enough budget. When I called up my insurance agent for the insurance quotation, I asked her if there is any possible way to lower the insurance premium. To my dismay, she told me that there is a possibility of it rising due to some new rules. This is not working my way. I wish to change my car insurance policy to something more affordable to me.
Advantage Auto Quotes is an online service that helps to search and provide their customers with the best suited automobile insurance policies. They go through a lot of other insurance providers to get the lowest insurance rates so if you are like me, wanting to lower your car insurance, this is is the site to go to.
Why is it important to get insurance coverage for your car? Hey, it is so important. Not only because it is required to at least have the basic insurance, it can really help you out if there is an accident. Go and quote your automobile insurance for your car today.
Posted by
3:15 PM
Labels: Sideys
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Cant control the anger
I am feeling so suicidal today...
I sat in the car for fifteen minutes and after that, I went driving for half an hour.... i am so pissed off with myself. So angry with myself that I think if i stay at home, I will probably explode.
I am not sure why am I feeling like this. To get all angry inside. Is the stress getting to me?
But now... there is nothing to worry about. Got over it...
Posted by
9:22 PM
Labels: shoutouts
How to mend a broken heart?
She called me to have lunch together. She didnt plan to tell me through the phone but I guess she couldnt hold it back so she said it out. She just broke up with her boyfriend not long ago.
As we ate at the crowded and busy restaurant, she kept talking about her ex... This is like the heartbroken sympton. Must talk about the ex non-stop because she still misses him. then, she told me the conversation between her father and her.
This part is fascinating to me. I dont think I ever have such 'deep' conversation with my dad. I think my relationship with my dad is very ... off-hand. Sometimes, I even call him 'boss' and it seems appropriate. Her father is so cool le...
Anyways... I guess due to the exposure we get nowadays, we are actually mentally-prepared for symptons and remedies of heartbreak but our emotion preparation is not enough. She knows the pain will go away after a few months. To care so much about someone and then to lose him, it is hard to erase all the feelings. It surfaces every now and then. The people around her can only tell her to let it fade with time.
What am I supposed to say to her? I will be saying the exact same thing like what other friends told her. So... I told her
Fortunately you dont find me when you are extremely down... Fortunately you only find me after one month...
Hehe... make me sounds like I am so unsympathetic of her. So not-a-friend attitude. Just kidding her la...'Kek' her a bit. Make her laugh... Hey! Laughter is the best medicine
Btw, time is the best remedy for broken heart.
Posted by
12:01 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Hong Kong, I want to go!
Just read a blog post by someone who just went to Hong Kong. I am so envious la...
Rene mentioned to me about flying there with her and her hubby and then accompany her to shop around. Oh~! I want to do it so badily.
But... Money not enough arrr~~!!!
Posted by
12:07 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Happy Birthday To My Piggie Bel
12 years old liaw...
Love you.
Bel, you are my favourite cousin because you are almost exactly 12 years younger than me. Hehe... And not forgetting the fact that you grew up close to us... so... love you o~~
Err.. Clarify...the rest of the cousins... Love you guys too... Hehee... Dont jealous la...
Posted by
12:02 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Friday, October 19, 2007
My mind is absent
I find myself forgetting things rather easily these days.
I can forget what I wanted to say one second after it popped in my mind.
I can forget what I has planned to do.
In secondary school, I used to tell people that I forget so easily that I can forget what is my exam mark five minutes after I get my exam mark.
The other day, I forgot how old am I. I forgot how many papers do I still need to take for my CPa. I forgot when I plan to complete my CPA program. I forgot.
Posted by
10:11 PM
Labels: confession
Millonaire's First Love
Actually... I was just looking at whether the guy who acted in My Lovely Sam-Soon is the guy in Snow Queen... He is the same guy...Yeah~! This sort of signify that I am quite good at recognising people. Hehe... Boasting again. Anyways... Realised that he acted in this movie called Millionaire's First Love and I remembered seeing this movie in the list of download-able movies so I went to download it...
At the same time, I saw the movie Hwang Jin Yi.... I have the wallpaper of this movie... so I downloaded the movie as well. The wallpaper... I didnt know it is about a movie. Because the wallpaper is only of the actress with a black background. I thought the actress is only dressing up for fun..Heheh...
Millionaire's First Love... tear-jerking le... I dont know if my heighten estrogen level affect my emotion or not... Though the movie is somehow disconnected in between the scenes... It is touching la... Having the knowledge of the girl is dying and yet still want to be with her...
Aiyer... I think I have fallen into the Korean-Addiction...Aaaarrgghh
Hwang Jin Yi... is ... err.... I dont know how to comment le... Story line is nice but I dont like the sexual scenes... i just dont like...
Posted by
1:06 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Money is not enough
I guess my situation now is something like people who go out of their hometown to study and thus you have to handle all the finances in your life. Finances such as payment of bills and food and rental and possibly car maintenance etc etc etc. Source of cash is from the parents. When you dont have enough, you get your parents to send you more money, that is if your parents are willing to.
In my case, it is slightly different. Ever since I start working or more like ever since JW start studying A-level, I have been placed under an even-tighter financial budget. How so?
Got to start way early then... Earlier on, I dont have to worry about all these things like bill payment. My monthly expenditure is very basic, which is reload card of RM50, car petrol, lunch at Uni and occasional window shopping expenditure. Clothing, shoes and accessories are very rare for me. I guess my total expenditure for one month is probably about RM300 and this is so... over-stated, I think. I used to envy my best friends for being able to shop for shoes and clothes anytime they like. Btw, they are not from Miri so their parents send money for them to spend as they like.
Then, I was given the responsibility to collect the rent and use it to pay for the home bills. I wasnt happy. I dont want to be held responsible for such thing. I somehow can predict the pressure that comes with it. I was slowly handed the responsibility and only gain full control by the time I start working.
Anyways, at first, the little balance of the money is my extra allowance each month...Then, the privilege was taken from me when JW went to study A-level and I was given another financial blow. I am supposed to give JW allowance too.
Then, stress built up as there is no one at home anymore. Instead of having hot meal prepared for me, I ate heated pre-coooked meals... and suffered mild food poisoning three times in one single year. No more pre-cooked meal after that.
Each month, my salary is spent on handphone bill (aproximately RM 60 to RM100, I managed to cut down to RM 70), grocery shopping, JW, Astro... Nothing much left. Even if there is, the next month will surely clear up the whole saving. The rental is no longer enough to cover the home expenditure because for one and a half year, it was expenditure for two homes.
Using my salary and savings to cover for every single thing. It took its toll on me and I am tired. I really am.
Posted by
10:10 PM
Labels: confession
Friday, October 12, 2007
欠打 aka Asking For Trouble
I am worried about myself.
My naive self. My innocent self.
I think I getting more and more tainted. I seems to have adapt a more aggressive and hate-able attitude.
I hope that I dont drive people mad at me. I really hope I dont offend people.
How to find that old innocent me back again?
Posted by
12:45 PM
Labels: confession
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
New shoes for me?
I want new shoes. Tried on a shoe...a brown, peeping toe, very high wedges shoe the other day with Mum...
Gosh... Now I think of it. I should have gotten Mum to get it for me. Argh... Regret! Regret!
Cant find any shoes that seems to satisfy me. Sigh...
Posted by
1:29 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Monday, October 8, 2007
I idolise
This is possibly the first pic in this blog. I think...
Anyways... I dont think I ever idolise any female so much. This is should be the first one. I think. Cant remember anyone but tell me if I have. I tends to forget. This one has actually lasted for a few months.
I want to be like her. She is Yoon Eun Hye
Btw, I like that black dress she wore in that pic. But i doubt it will look good on me.
Posted by
12:16 AM
Labels: confession, Female-lism, shoutouts
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
How could he?
He is non of my business guy... He really is... But once a upon a time, he ever is the guy I have crush on.... err...or was it infatuation..haha
Saw him with a girl. Saw him holding hands with a girl. Saw him looking kind of uncomfortable that I saw him holding hands with a girl.
I hate myself for dressing rather shabby at that time. Why didnt I dress more nicely le? Damn...
Posted by
1:50 PM
Labels: confession
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