Saw his dad from far... when he came over to my office to give me some pop mie...
Monday, October 17, 2016
The dad
Posted by
10:27 AM
Sunday, October 16, 2016
3rd weekend
Posted by
9:11 AM
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Productive weekend
He didnt come to Miri this weekend because of his job.
I have been in the mood to either:
a) rearrange the pc area to replace the old pc table with the big pc table.
b) wash the two dirty cars
c) to spring clean my room
After much contemplation, I finally rearrange the pc area and washed the cars. Too tired to spring clean the bedroom.
That is one big project. I am already proud of myself for completing two tasks. Pat at my back. Good job, Ning!
Posted by
9:45 AM
Sunday, October 2, 2016
2nd date: Bekenu and Tusan
He suggested Bekenu prawn noodle but we ended up with drunken prawn, sambal bilin, stir fry deer meat and dry fried noodle.
His life is totally about his work. No wonder he is burning out at his job. No one can stay in that kind of dedication for such a long time. To work till late night every night.
Meanwhile I seems to be hanging around my friends a lot. I feel the inspiration to do my work and to sort out my room etc. Not sure why.
After lunch, we headed to Tusan to try the coconut ice cream which tasted like... vanilla ice cream. What a disappointment.
On the way back, he got me to show where I stay. Luckily he didnt ask to go in. It would have been disastrous.
Posted by
9:36 AM
Sunday, September 25, 2016
A new beginning
We first met on 25th September 2016 at Hanks.
It was after my crab dinner at Elaine's.
And somehow, I managed to eat a whole chicken thigh and half a pizza... Gluttony
We started speaking english and eventually chinese because we are sort of more fluent in chinese. Come to think of it, we sort of mixed both language together.
I feel that we have so much in common and so familiar in many things.
I sincerely hope that it will not be a one time thing.
Posted by
8:48 AM
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