I nearly shouted at her. Nearly wanted to tell her that I dont want to do it anymore. Nearly wanted to tell her that she is getting very annoying.... But I didnt. I held in..
Must do something to make my luck turn better... Feel like everything is very bad at the moment...
Looking forward to this praying ritual thingy..going to be soon. I cant wait actually...
Talked to Grand Uncle this morning... Felt like I am the mat salleh speaking chinese. but I am speaking hokkien, a dialect that I should mastered but I didnt... Gosh... it was so weird...
Thought I am turning into an insomniac but I am getting sleepy so Good News!! Haha...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Held myself back
Posted by
12:38 AM
Labels: RatRaceSituation, shoutouts
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