Woke up this morning... feeling sick.. but I can still go to work...
But... as the time passes... I suddenly find myself feeling warmer...and then colder...and then warm again...
Darn... I am getting a fever again...
Applied for sick leave and came home to sleep... Ate medicine already...
Gosh..CNY is just around the corner.. how? how?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Posted by
4:03 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Get Me Some
Last weekend, when I met up with a friend, we suddenly talked about the difficulty that we faced some times with our cash flow. How so?
Say we need to pay certain something at this certain time but our cash inflow is at the day after the payment date. This is mind-bulging problem as the payment cannot be delayed.
Then we talked about having a really poor credit thus resulting in not being able to get the loan we really need. Not many people will be willing to lend money to a person with low financial credit due to the fear of inability to pay for the loan.
When I got home, I decided to search for the alternative to this problem. Hey! Internet age, anything is impossible online. I found this thing called payday loan. Payday loan is available to particularly anyone so long as they fulfilled certain requirement. Guess what? The basic requirement is quite easy to fulfill.
So long as you have a regular job that earns you at least $1000 per month… doesn’t matter if you have bad credit or bankruptcy problem… you will be able to get this cash advance to aid you thru your cash emergency.
What’s more… the timing… once you get thru the registration/application process, the cash is electronically transferred to you. Which means that you can get the cash quickly. Time is of the essence. If time doesn’t matter, then what is the use of getting this cash advance?
Posted by
4:01 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Free house guards
Some time ago, I had a pet dog. Then, it passed away. Gone is the hope to have a dog guarding the house.
But now... Guess what? My neighbour's dogs have decided to make my house front as their hang-out place. At the same time, they are also become my house guards. Barking at strangers. Hehe...
Jo got barked at when she came to my place yesterday.
Dont have to feed and they are guarding my house. Not bad...
Posted by
11:10 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Selling things
I have a dream that I want to open a shop selling handmade accessories using beads and other materials. But a physical store is not only requiring a full time supervision, it also requires a fixed expenditure for the rental of the space. I notice that the rental cost is really high for places that have high population. Apart from that, the customer can only be from one geographical location, which is where the shop is located.
Nowadays, more and more people are using the Internet. So, to open an online store is the way to do it. Like every other online store, I will need to have a shopping cart to allow my customer to purchase my things. This is where I need to get the help from the experts. Ashop Commerce provides shopping cart software that is easy to use and can be customized to suit the user. The cost of getting and using the software is small if I compared to having to pay a high monthly rental. Another thing that intrigues me more is because Ashop Commerce provide not only the shopping cart, but also the design for online store, shipping, payment and other ecommerce software.
So... if you are looking for such program, try Ashop Commerce.
Posted by
10:10 PM
Labels: Sideys
Friday, January 18, 2008
Bad credit?
One thing I fear the most when I am considering whether to get a credit card or not is whether I will be able to pay for the money that I will owe. I know people with an ever-increasing credit loan and it scares me. But what if there comes a day that one has a bad credit? It is always great to be able to compare the variety of bad credit loans that are available from different providers. From the different loans, one can choose the one that can suit one’s needs. With that, one can actually improve their financial position.
Posted by
7:50 PM
Labels: Sideys
Currently not feeling well.... Fever... Cough... Flu...
Just ate medicine. Feeling sleepy again. Yawn...
Posted by
6:44 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Get paid to blog
Consider blog advertising...
It is a way to earn cash while you blog about things or giving it a review thru your blog. Personally, I think it is great because that way, you can actually learn about more stuff as you blog and your blog can showcase a variety of topics and thus… appeals to more people, right? Such opportunity doesn’t just present itself every day. We need to grab it as it comes along. Not every opportunity is suitable as well so we need to choose the one that is suitable for us. So you like to blog and would like to earn some extra cash, why not consider to get paid for blogging? There are so many things that we can blog about so why not blog about those things and at the same time earn the extra cash? So, what are you waiting for? Come and join the trend to get paid to blog.
Posted by
6:16 PM
Labels: Sideys
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
ohmigosh... the forum I usually go for my daily dose of Tohoshinki is closed for clean-up. It will only be opened on Friday. Cant wait for the arrival of Friday.
Tomorrow, I will start working. The next offday will possibly be during Chinese New Year. This year CNY holidays, some people in the office arent happy with it because we lose out on the weekends. For me, it made no difference 'cause it will still be the same.... the insensitivity that I have.
At this moment, I am coughing non stop.. possibly because of the dry throat. Time to drink water. Lots of water
Posted by
11:26 PM
Labels: RatRaceSituation, shoutouts
Boost of confidence
Just told Joanna about the tv show that I have been watching recently. I didn’t mean to specifically watch it but I just happen to switch to that channel and watch it every week. It is almost like the time when I also can automatically switch to HBO to watch Sex and the City without remembering the time each week. Not very sure if you actually can understand what do I mean but anyways….
The show that I watch each week is about plastic surgery. My first impression of plastic surgery…which is way in the past…is that it is a procedure that women do to become more beautiful. But actually, plastic surgery is more than that. It is to help those who have problem or difficulty with their physical self, for example, disfigured face or body etc. I remember writing a research essay on the pros and cons of plastic surgery for my foundation course. I found this to be very interesting.
What is so interesting? For me… what motivate me the most to not to get too fat till I will probably need to get a ‘gastric bypass’ in order to lose weight. The prospect of losing weight is nice but the loose skin is the downside. Because of the loss of fats, the skin becomes loose and hanging at the arms, thighs and abdomen. In order to solve this, patient will have to go through procedures like tummy tuck, thigh lift, arm lift and etc. But these procedures will also leave permanent scar. Nevertheless, it helps the patient to become more mobile (because of the loss of excess skin) and more confident. If I get too fat and then lose all the weight with all the excess skin, scar will not stop me from becoming more normal. So what?
Perhaps I should opt for liposuction to lose some weight. I am suddenly reminded of the scene in Nip/Tuck where the surgeon is doing liposuction on his fiancĂ© who is already very skinny. Anyways, I think this procedure is a quick way to lose fat. This reminds me (again) of the liposuction done by a lady who has a medical condition which causes her to have a hump of fat on her back. Because of liposuction, she is able to wear strapless shirt and look confident in it. So, liposuction isn’t that bad after all.
Oh! I also told Joanna the many methods to do breast augmentation. Never know that there are so many different ways to do it. The procedure on how to do it depends on different factors such as the patient’s preference and the suitable procedure for the patient’s body condition.
Can’t get into too much of the details ‘cause I am not a qualified person to tell… Plastic surgery…. Might be the option to go for when I am not happy with my body.
Posted by
10:52 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
Back from my shopping trip
Thsi time I can truly say that it was a shopping trip because the main purpose is to shop and to shop and shop and shop. Hehe...
Very tired yet motivated to lose some serious weight. Blame it on those skinny people I see. Urgh...
Posted by
10:51 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Annoy Me?!
I can just sense the hint of annoyance from A when B agreed with a heavy dose of reluctance. What I wonder about more is whether B actually realise that B is being 'annoyingly' not sporting. What meant to be funny and in a joking manner is taken so seriously. What meant to be in that kind of joyous and amusing mood is being treated as improper and subsequently kills off the joyous mood.
Is my brain wavelength at the different level as B is? Am I the only one who notice B's annoying trait? Or I am not the only one and everyone just choose to ignore it?
Erk..See something I need to do but being putting off due to forgetfulness. Bah.
Posted by
9:50 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Happiness outburst
After three days of staring at the Club Box downloaded percentage that seems to remain stagnant, I must shout out that I am so happy now because it is moving again! It is downloading again!! I hope it last though... I really hope it will go on and on without becoming stagnant again. Please download fast fast!!
Posted by
4:18 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Long chat
D just came by today. It has been a long time that I meet with him. It is sort of awkward. But we basically chat about every single thing. Time flies quickly. Without realising it, we actually chatted for five hours.... Whoa...
Close friend doesnt have to stick with each other always. They will always be your close friend 'cause they know you.
Posted by
10:33 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Yes, I Will Marry You
I have decided. I want to custom-make my own engagement ring from real diamonds. I went online to search on different type of engagement rings. I was surprised by the different type of ways that diamonds can be set onto a ring… such as solitary stone, with sidestones, with three stones and many more. That is when I saw the design your own ring section - I want that!!
Though... I wouldn't mind if a guy will get me something from the many available diamond engagement rings.
Posted by
10:33 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
The word is SEO
Want to increase your web traffic? You should consult a seo specialist. This certain seo company is specializing in helping business to increase their web traffic to their business websites. How do they do it? They help you by making sure that you get the traffic that is suitable for you, that your website is optimized for the search engine, that your pay-per-click advertising generates the return that you want and many more.
What are you waiting for? Get the help of a seo expert.
Posted by
10:23 PM
Labels: SmallTalks
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