Erm... Last early morning, since now is early morning again (hehe...), my phone rang. The caller is named as 'Office Alarm.' Bad sign. First thing to do is to call Ling, the secretary. After letting her know that I will be checking out the office with Bro, Bro and I rushed to town. After two robberies, I think everyone in the office has phobia.
Nothing out of ordinary le. The alarm has stopped.
Boss came after that... Cause I dont have the keys to open the doors to check the insides. I can only see from the outside.
Opened and checked everything. Nothing le.
No idea why the alarm went off twice...
Friday, November 30, 2007
So awkward
Posted by
8:53 PM
Labels: Blurts
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The long awaited...
Finally got approved....
Actually, signed up for this for quite a long time… Joined it for fun. Because there is nothing else to do at the time. When I look around the site, I found myself confused and unable to understand what is needed to be done. Thus, I never really become active in it because I just dont get it.
Then... cousins started to get more and more into it and finally convinced me to become more active. They explained the whole thing to me and made me realized how easy it is to do this. But of course, the first step is that I need to get my blog approved first before I can start taking advantage of the available opportunities.
Suddenly, everything becomes clearer to me. I understand what needed to be done and so…
As I have mentioned in my previous post, I need and want several things. It will be great to know that now I have the chance to actually earn the money to buy those stuff. And perhaps I learn about more stuff through this since it offers a wide genre of topics…
Gosh…. I am so looking forward to this whole new experience and actually the most important thing is to get paid to blog
Posted by
11:57 PM
Labels: Sideys
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Materiality Needs
I need quite a number of new things recently....
Heels, dresses, lingerie, slippers....
Heels is because my heels are pretty worn out now. And I want a new one...
Dresses because relative's and friend's wedding are coming soon and I want to wear a dress. More importantly, because I am going to be in the entourage for this friend's wedding and I dont have a dress to wear. Btw, saw something nice today so planning to go try it on and maybe buy it once my salary is out.
Lingerie because... this is sad. I dont have much lingerie left to wear. So sad...
Slippers... Got a pretty white slippers from the Tings for my bday and also a brown one from Mumsie.... I want to get another one that is for rough use. Or maybe I should try to bleach-clean my that oil-stained Adidas slippers. Talking about that slippers, someone dripped the black engine oil on it so right now, it has this really big oil stain on it.
Then... there are also the pricey thing that I want to get... New digicam, handphone, and hair straightening...
Digicam... I dont have one of my own. The one I am using is Koko's and it is really really old... And it cant do any video recording because it cant record sound.
Handphone... Love to get a new one. But I can still live with the one I have at this moment. If I get one, it will be such an indulgence.
Hair straightening... seriously.. I need this desperately... and I am getting this no matter what...
I have resubmitted this blog for this sidey and I hope it will be approved.
Posted by
11:23 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Cold wave
Erm... The change... Is it for good or bad?
Used to be able to forget anger or hatred very fast. Dont stay mad at people very long. Forever trying to make everyone happy with me.
Then... it happened silently and slowly.
Even after some time has passed, others has forgotten and forgiven. I find no forgiveness in me. I cant forget. I still hold a grudge.
To be honest, I dont understand it either.
Posted by
9:49 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Emotional Rollercoaster
It is almost time of the month. I am experiencing mood swings. From extreme happiness to extreme sadness. I am going crazy
Posted by
9:59 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Make Up Your Mind
I really cannot stand such attitude. So shitty. One minute say this, the other minute say that. Then now want me to give the thing immediately. Where the hell am I supposed to get it in such a short notice?
I hate being the middle person. It is so shitty that once again, my good mood for the day is gone.
Posted by
11:14 AM
Labels: shoutouts
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Another Problem
Each month.... each month has to think of how to solve each problem that arises. Just when I have gotten to use to one recurring problem, another new problem surfaces.
It is not mine to worry and solve but why do I have to be put in the middle of all these?
So shitty!
Posted by
3:31 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, November 8, 2007
got rejected la... Cause my blog not listed in google list...
Posted by
11:49 PM
Mumsie & daughter feeling
I sort of feel guilty for not having any photos up when I write a post in World Of My Own. In this blog however, there is no feelingof guilt because this blog has been pretty clean... hahaha...
Anyways, parents were here today and I brought Mumsie out to do her stuff.
Should be because of the excessive Tohoshinki video watching, their style is rubbing on me and I am becoming a little more talkative. Friends can actually testify for me that I am different these days. For better, I hope.
Sort of felt a bond with my Mumsie today. When I told her about that Bata peeptoe wedges that I saw with her the other day and that I wanted it, she actually considering buying it for me. Yea~~ But I told her not to lo. Cause even with the discount, it is actually quite expensive. About B$ 27 after discount. Now it is without discount so more expensive somemore.
Me Love Me Mumsie la...
Posted by
11:36 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
it is 11pm now.. and I am hungry.
Hungry is such an important word to me. I think hungry defines me.. hehe..
Out of nowhere, I will always say that I am hungry.
Gosh.. I am so hungry now.
Posted by
11:00 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I could have
slept a little longer on Monday.
After three weeks of off-days, I finally went back to work on Monday. The weather was so nice for sleeping. It was rainy and cold... The perfect weather to sleep. But I was in the office and was feeling very forlorn because I didnt have enough sleep for the past two days.
As I settled into the feeling of work again, I realised one thing. Sigh.... I am supposed to go back to work on Tuesday, not Monday. Oh no~!
I could have slept so much longer in the morning and have the time to replenish my energy... Instead, I was at work already.
Since I didnt drive on that day, I couldnt go home as well. Darn...
Posted by
1:06 PM
Labels: shoutouts
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