I wonder if it is wrong to put such hope on such thing.
I know he is not the right one for me. I know I might blow up if I cant stand his attitude. I know both of us have the temper that can rival each other. I know in many ways, both of us will not be able to match each other. Both of us have expectation of our soul mate that is different.
Somehow... I sort of wish for him to, perhaps, think of me as a potential soul mate.
I think I am just getting emotional from the song that I am listening to...Bleh..
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Glimmer of hope
Posted by
9:15 PM
Labels: confession
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Lazy bones
Hmm... It has just been a few days after my exam...
I am not sure how will I fare this time. I am kind of worried. Erm... This time, the case study seems to be very confusing. Although I didnt really spent a lot of time to study, I have went thru the whole case study quite throughoutly... Still, I am still praying that it is enough. The questions in the exam were ... I dont know how to explain but I sure hope that I did it right.
After this exam, I am supposed to focus on my side income work. The work has been piling and left aside since I had to concentrate on studying for the exam. Now, I only have about one and half month to complete it all.
I havent been hardworking to complete the work... which is really bad...
That's all...
Posted by
8:08 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I Love You
Went to attend a seminar last weekend. During the seminar, the speaker encouraged everyone to express their love to their parents.
Call your parents after this. Tell them that you love them.
My parents were sitting next to me during the seminar. I saw my Mum crying because she couldnt tell her parents that she loves them because they have passed away. My Dad... I cant tell if he was sleeping or he was crying as well (If he is sleeping, it is totally forgivable because he had been driving for a very long distance that morning so he must be very tired).
I didnt say anything to my parents after the first session of the seminar.
To tell the truth, I am not inspired at all by the speaker. I am not motivated at all.
To say that I dont love my parents is also not true. I love them. I miss having them around. But I just dont say it outloud.
I guess the stress from work and everyday life have made me different. I get more and more impatient with things and get angry and annoyed easily....
Hmmm... Anyways... I did call my Mum to tell her that I love her two days later. Still haven't say that to Dad yet. :p
Posted by
10:39 PM
Labels: confession
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