I sensed that he probably has not much regard for girls. or should I say female.
I felt a little sense of proud-ness when he said he thinks the person who discover the place to throw rubbish is very smart... Though it is kind of silly la.
He prob thinks that the guys figured it out. Hehe...
After that, I think he thinks more highly of me. 'Cause all the questions come shooting at me... Shit!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Potential Accountant
Posted by
11:41 PM
Labels: Female-lism
Friday, September 28, 2007
Not in Speaking Term
We never quarrel.
We never said it out in the open.
We just stop.
I dont know. Is it my fault or hers? Should I approach her again?
I guess not. Somehow, the friendship has gone. Eh! We dont quarrel le. If she really appreciate our friendship, then she should be the one asking me why I stop talking to her. and not being so...err...argh! never mind
Posted by
1:46 PM
Labels: RatRaceSituation, shoutouts
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Just watched Daisy. A korean movie.
Tear-jerking movie. I guess if the movie has a happy ending for the assasin, it will be kind of unfair. He is an assassin so should not have any sympathy for him. He is the bad guy with a romantic heart and possibly stalker-inclined.
What he did for the girl is so romantic la. And he didnt ask for anything in return. All he wants is just to find a way to make himself feel less guilt-free from killing all those people. He plant daisies for her.... he learn lip-reading so that he can understand the girl without her writing down her thought...
Gosh... My mind is flooding with all the scenes from the movie.
Posted by
11:57 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Double eye lids
I wish I have doube eye lids...permanent double eye lids.
Right now, I keep on switching between a single double eye lid or no double eye lid or almost double eye lids. It is so annoying...
Jeng told me that there is this girl who use the glue type double eye lids creator for three weeks and ended up with permanent double eyelids.
Hling said that she has her permanent double eyelids after using hair pins to create (possibly not very permanent) double eyelids every morning for half a year or so.
Right now, I just try to create double eyelids -the kind that lasted for a mintue or two every now and then..when ever I have the time and mood to do... Maybe I will get the glue type soon. Hear that it might be be painful to use...
Posted by
3:00 PM
Labels: shoutouts
Friday, September 7, 2007
Miracelous Recovery
Hahaha... I am very optimistic... Erm.. Or should be forgetful...
Got over It already. So fast can get back to normal.
I love my forgetfulness...hehe... :P
Posted by
1:40 AM
Labels: confession
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
I Cant Sleep
My eyes still open till now. So I guess I better write this down and see if it help me to get some sleep....
Cant believe that it happen. How can he do this to me? To be with her and still giving me hope that there is a possibility between him and I. Argh... this is so frustrating.
How can I fall for it again? LS and QA are right. I care too much for something that is still not confirmed to be mine.
Sleep... I need sleep... Give me back my sleep. I cant write anymore. This is way too frustrating to put down in words.
Posted by
4:55 AM
Labels: confession, shoutouts
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